SHE (Summer Healthcare Experience) in Oncology is a multi-institutional research training and career exploration program for high school women from underrepresented backgrounds, set to launch in July 2023. It is funded by the American Cancer Society through the ResearcHERS initiative to support women-led cancer research. Over the course of two weeks (25 hours/week), participants will take part in a cancer research project on genetics, a fictional patient case study project, and daily skill-building and career development activities. A cohort of 100 women will be enrolled across the SHE medical and research partner sites of Chicago, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Texas at Austin universities.
07/15/2024, 07/16/2024, 07/17/2024, 07/18/2024, 07/19/2024
Participants must currently be in grades 9 to 12.
Minimum: 1
Registration starts on 05/10/2024 and ends on 06/24/2024.
Please contact eCLOSE Institute if you have any questions.